29 mars 2006

Apple et HEC distribuent des ipods video à ses étudiants de MBA

On en parlait récemment ici, pour parler de l'initiative de Stanford de podcaster ses cours à destination de ses étudiants.

Dans un article paru dans Business Week, trouvé sur le site de Loic Le Meur, "Apple Loves France, Sometimes", Apple lance une offensive de charme auprès des Grandes Ecoles Européennes, en commençant par HEC :
Starting with the MBA class entering HEC next fall, every student will be given a video iPod engraved with the school's logo on the back.
About half of all lectures will be captured in digital video and saved in massive network servers, where students will be able to review them, in the form of video podcasts, as little as an hour later.
The iPods also will be stuffed with a wealth of useful tools and information, such as campus maps, class schedules, RSS feeds of news stories, and language training courses.
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